The City of Maize’s active wastewater treatment plant, one of the first Aero-Mods from the 1990’s, needed significant repairs and upgrades based on Aero-Mod’s technological advances. More importantly, these improvements had to be made while keeping the existing process operational without a hitch.
We first conducted a complete plant condition assessment to get a better understanding of the project timeframe for future plant capacity increases. To save on the expense of bypassing pump waste and building temporary structures, our team developed a plan to achieve redundant operations by investing in permanent structures. Our plan, which included building a new Aero-Mod 0.6 MGD basin and utilizing the existing blower system, resulted in a smooth transition of plant operations with zero operational downtime. Blower and disinfection capacity wasn’t increased, so the plant stayed within permitted operating capacity. To reduce unwanted trash entering the plant, a belt filter screen replaced an existing channel bar screen system. This is also improved the overall BOD load and consistency. Our overall project approach helped the City lower the required upfront cost and set it up for success for a Phase 2 plant upgrade down the road.
“Our plan resulted in a smooth transition of plant operations with zero operational downtime.”
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